The cover letter I never sent to Apple

May 17, 2024

A while back I received an unexpected message from someone who had taken an interest in my work, asking if I’d be interested in being referred for a design role at Apple.

Long story short, despite REALLY wanting to go for it, the timing just wasn’t right. I had already committed to spending that year exclusively focusing on certain personal projects and seeing them through. While it was incredibly tempting to let that plan go off the rails in exchange for the prospect of my literal dream job, I just couldn’t do it.

I ended up saying no, or more specifically “not now”.

Before that however, I wrote the most honest cover letter I’ve ever written. One that when presented to the person from Apple who offered to refer me, made them instantly well up with tears (thankfully, the good kind). The few others who’ve read the letter also said that it left a strong impression on them and encouraged me to share it publicly.

So here we are. To fully understand what I wrote though, you need two key bits of info.

First, have a look at the job description for the specific role 'Designer, Prototyping'. I’ve highlighted parts in blue that were especially relatable as they felt like they were written for me.

Second, check out this wonderful TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson. If you can’t watch the whole thing, just watch the story about the little girl struggling with school (between 15:00 and 18:00).

Here's the letter.

At it's core - Thoughts on Apple role

"Your daughter is not sick. She’s a dancer.
She needs to move to think.”

I once lived in a place where dancing wasn’t permitted. A society where people refused to even acknowledge the prospect that some people just are dancers, instead choosing to believe that it’s a deliberate choice and something to be ashamed of.

It was a difficult place to grow up as even though dancing came naturally to me, I spent most of my life either pretending I wasn’t a dancer or wishing (to no avail) that I could be anything but.

What’s good is that in recent years, I’ve been able to move to a better place.

It is here that I have had the time and space to accept that I am, and always have been, a dancer (aka, I have ADHD combined type). I’ve also learned I’m enthusiastic about one particular style of dance (aka Product Design) and that it is something I am apparently well suited to.

This brings me back to why, for the first time in years, I’m truly excited to be applying for a job.

Not only is the job at Apple, a place I’ve always dreamt of working at, but there was one specific role (Design, Prototyper) that felt right.

The reason why is that in every word, every bullet-point and every paragraph of that job description, it felt like there was a hidden message playing on repeat. Maybe it’s a coincidence or a figment of my imagination, or perhaps it’s intentionally designed to better resonate with some people more than others.

It was a simple but powerful message that consists of just two words...

“Dancers welcome”

Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you liked it, please do let me know via LinkedIn / Twitter, or share it with anyone who you think might be interested 🕺.

P.S. If you’re curious about what I am currently working on projects, feel free to check out, (my coaching site) or if you’re a fan of 3D printing, (in beta).